Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Choose Your Next Cellular Phone

Choosing a Cell Phone
by: Telefon Wirles

Considering the innumerable varieties of cell phones in the market, it is quite a challenging task to choose the best one. However, the basic criterion of selecting the best cell phone is to be absolutely clear about what your needs are. The best cellular phone is the one that is absolutely right for you. And, of course, you can only have the best cellular phone when you pay for what you want.

Tons of offers are also available. There are free cellular telephone offers, prepaid cellular, digital, mobile, web enabled and many more. No one can tell you which cell phone is best for you because every one has different needs when it comes to their cellular telephone. Some people want absolutely basic features while others want a lot of totally fantastic features. Some need a cellular telephone for e-mail, faxing and surfing the Internet. Many people want it to be top of the line while others prefer simplicity.

The process of buying a cell phone is so confusing. There are simply so many different handsets, networks, deals and call costs to consider that buying the right phone for your usage and budget can be very difficult.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best cell phone. First of all, decide how much you want to spend and be clear on the features you need. Remember that the more the features, the higher the cost.

Purchase a battery with a decent battery life and judge the mobile phone by the talk time it gives. The bare minimum should be 2 hours of maximum talk-time plus 90 hours of maximum standby time.

Shop and compare for pricing and service. These days, quality phones are very cheap. There is a proliferation of cell phone makers including Nokia, Motorola, Ericson, Siemens, Samsung, Sony, etc. More importantly, cellular plans have come down enormously in overall price with some caveats.

Some standard features include caller ID, phone book with fast dial, call waiting, voice mail and auto-answering. Some also have other added features like your first incoming minute free. The high-end cell phones will have voice-a ctivated dialing, SMS, 2-way paging, games, scheduling calendars, digital organizer and all the standard features. The main thing is to see what fits into your life style best and also to be sure when and if the features expire.

While making a cell phone and service plan decision, remember that everybody's needs are different. So what's good for your friend may not be the best choice for you. Your best bet would be to search online for websites with good cell phone comparisons in order to get a quality cell phone offer.

To make sure that your cell phone comparisons are complete look at Nokia cell phones, Ericsson cell phones, Sprint cell phones, Motorola cell phones and Samsung cell phones. Research the different free cell phone offers, prepaid cell phones and service plans from brand names like AT&T.

If Alexander Graham Bell were alive today he would be amazed. It wasn't that long ago when he made the first telephone call to his assistant from another room in his laboratory. At the time they had been working on a device to help deaf people hear. Bell patented the telephone in 1876. Now, 130 years later, people are walking around with tiny but powerful computers held to their years. These wireless devices can be used to browse the Internet, play games, text message, manage schedules… and even to use a telephone!

Question: I am looking to buy a phone but I don't know which plan to get

There are many plans available if you would like to buy cell phone. The best way to figure it which plan is right for you is to buy a pre-paid phone before you make a decision and commit to any long-term plans offered by cell phone companies. The prepaid plan lets you put a certain amount of money toward telephone usage and you can use your cell phone for as long as you have money available.

This is a great first option because many people who are first looking into getting a cell phone are not sure about when they would typically use it. Having a prepaid phone lets you sample your usage and get a good idea about the times of the day and the days of the week you make calls on your cell phone.

For the first month or so that you have a prepaid plan, you'll want to keep an eye on these four things, which will help you determine which cell phone plan you'll eventually want:

    * What time of the day to you make most of your calls?
    * How long do your phone calls last?
    * What days of the week do you make most of your calls?
    * Are they local or long distance calls?
    * Where do you use the phone most often? (for example, if you travel or just around town)

Once you have used up your prepaid amounts, you'll probably have a good idea about your calling profile and this will help you accurately select a play.

Having a cell phone is a highly convenient tool to stay in touch. Having information to make a wise purchase will help you get a cell phone and a cell phone plan that provides the best value to you.

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